Project Education for Batahola Student Sponsorship Program
To sponsor a student at our twinning community in Nicaragua, click the link below which will take you to the Sponsorship Form. You can sponsor a student now through March 1.
Monday Evenings during Lent: Holy Hour will be held at 7pm | Led by Ed Bayliss. No registration required
Tuesday Evenings during Lent: Dignity and the Death Penalty (hosted on Zoom) - sign up by contacting Sue Keefe
Friday Evenings Lenten Series:
4:30pm | Fish Fry in the Cafeteria (ends at 7:00p)
6:25pm | Rosary in the Church
7:00pm | Stations of the Cross in the Church
7:30pm | Search Video & Small Group Discussion in the Church - Join a small group here
March 1: Hoxworth Blood Drive - schedule here
March 2 (beginning): 40 Days for Life
March 4: New Parishioner Happy Hour at the Parish Welcome Center - sign up here
March 5: Day of Reflection at IHM
March 7: Living a Faith that Does Justice Award Dinner at IHM
March 12: Lamb Layette Bags - Click here to sign up to donate
March 12: Cemetery of the Innocents - Click here to sign up to help install
March 19: IHM Day of Prayer Vigil - sign up for an hour of prayer here
March 19: IHM Community Day of Service - Sign up to volunteer
April 1: New Parishioner Happy Hour at the Parish Welcome Center
April 23: Heartbeats for Life 5k Race
April 30: From the Mountains to the Sea Luncheon - Support our Twinning Communities!
July 2022 - Summer Festival - July 2022 - Email Kris Geraci to Join our Committee!